radiology oncology


Heading into the Radiology Oncology building at Presbyterian Intercommunity Hospital.

So today I had my most informative doctor’s appointment yet. I got to meet with a doctor of radiology oncology, a fancy name for a cancer doctor who will make me glow as he attempts to shrink a legion on my spine with futuristic invisible laser beams. Cool. I’m pretty close to just calling him Dr. Who.

I learned today that cancer prefers bone and marrow in which to grow, and that those few cells from my breast cancer that escaped without notice found a nice little happy place in one of my lower vertebrae in which to grow and wreak havoc (please forgive the run-on sentence). This legion is the sole reason for all my intense back and sciatic pain. There is no slipped or bulging disc, no injury, no other reason than nasty cancer for what has often been debilitating pain.

So today, in addition to my informative meeting with the doctor, I got “fitted,” as it were, for all my upcoming radiation appointments. I have sharpie marks all over my abdomen and they made a mold for my legs to rest in every time I go in. This all ensures that I lay in exactly the same position for every appointment. Actual radiation begins tomorrow. Look out cancer! Dr. Who and his invisible lasers are about to wreak havoc on you.

The best part? Within a couple weeks all this radiation should take care of my back pain. What a relief! I cannot even begin to express what a toll such constant and intense pain has taken.

For those of you who pray, pray this radiation does indeed eradicate my back and sciatic pain. I have not been able to run my regular life on account of this pain. I can’t walk far, I can’t sit long, I don’t sleep more than a few hours at a time, I take narcotic pain killers that only last a couple hours at a time, I can’t drive, I can’t get my kids in and out of their car seats. I am more than ready to get my life back. Please pray that radiation does its job!


  1. joy says:

    “The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.”
    Praying this for you. Learning this with you. Heidi, all of us who are following your journey will be growing in our own faith and increasing in hope and sharing our love… all coming from our Lord Jesus, The One who will always fight for us.

  2. Rinette says:

    Rocky! Rocky! Rocky!! We have got your back with prayer and love!!! In a weird way…how I thank the Lord for the idea of “pain”…it clearly has saved your life! You would never have known…had your back not hurt 🙁 NOW…to get RID OF THIS pain and get on with living your beautiful chaotic life! Love you!

  3. Adele Weingartner says:

    Hello Heidi, We don’t know each other, but I am familiar with the word “cancer”. My friend Angie shared your blog with us, and I just want to let you know that you will be in my prayers as I ask God to remove this horrid cancer from your body! May He completely heal you that you can be pain free! I had two brothers that died of cancer–melanoma- so I know all about the ups and downs of treatment, remission, etc. May God be with you thru all this. Never forget to call on His name and hold Him to His promises when He said He will never leave us nor forsake us. Remind Him of how He healed all this people when He was here on earth–surely healing you would be such a small thing for Him. Show Him your faith! May God be with you thru it all and that you have a peace in knowing He is in control!

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