I know it’s been ages since I’ve written an update, and there are a lot of you who aren’t aware of the latest turn my cancer has chosen to take. So here is the latest … In the Spring I... Continue reading →
As you probably know by now, I had a vertaplasty surgery last week (where they injected cement into my L4 and L5 vertebrae to stabilize them from further collapse). The surgery itself was incredibly successful, and the intense pain I’d been... Continue reading →
Which do you want first? Let’s start with the bad. The pain I’ve been experiencing in my knee the past several weeks has turned out to be cancer. It’s extremely unusual for metastatic cancer to show up in a place... Continue reading →
So today I had my most informative doctor’s appointment yet. I got to meet with a doctor of radiology oncology, a fancy name for a cancer doctor who will make me glow as he attempts to shrink a legion on... Continue reading →